7 Eid Foods That Can Cause Spotty Face
Illustration of Eid food (Pexels/Lisa)

JAKARTA – Starting from pastries, rendang, opor, kukis, chocolate, cheese, and bread can cause a spotty face. The food is fully served during Eid. This means you need to anticipate the worst possible appearance of acne on the face.

So what content makes this typical Eid food can trigger acne? Check out the following explanation.

Refined carbohydrates

Eating one or two pieces of pastries is not a problem as long as it is balanced with the intake of other nutrients. Pastries are made from simple carbohydrates or from white flour that is low in fiber.

It can raise blood sugar levels which trigger the production of androgen hormones and grows acne on the face. That means it needs to be controlled portion of its consumption.

Sweet snacks

Added sugars to sweet treats can cause inflamed acne. This is evidenced in a study that 30 percent more sugary foods or drinks than the body needs could increase the risk of growing acne.

Processed milk

Cheese-studded kastengel can be dangerous for appearance because according to studies it can potentially trigger acne. At best, measure the portion so as not to risk interfering with the appearance of lowering the level of health.


Several studies have proven that 70 percent of dark chocolate can calm and lose weight. But sweet chocolate and mixed with more sugar than expected can be the cause of acne.

Balado eggs

Eggs contain omega-3 and high protein which if consumed mostly can be the cause of acne. Well, balado egg dish juxtaposed with ketupat does taste delicious. But be aware that eating in moderation alone is enough.

Salty and fatty foods

Rendang and chicken opor use coconut milk to make it taste more savory and delicious. Tips so as not to be easily spotty when the majority of Eid treats are both menus, choose one menu only. For example, when eating with opor avoid pairing with rendang.

Simply use side dishes that are not varied or consume them alternately at different meal hours.

Chips and crackers

When bitten by a festive sound, crackers, and chips fried in oil if consumed can also increase the production of sebum in the skin tissue. The adverse effects can trigger acne.

From several foods above, does not mean not to consume it just measure the portion and recognize the character of each skin. For those who have sensitive and oily skin, it may be easier to grow acne after eating the trigger foods.

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