JAKARTA - The busyness and density of life in the city makes it easier for people to complain and feel tired both physically and mentally. Even though various transportation have innovated, the impact has not been maximally felt. Workers also often yearn to just get enough rest, namely sleep hours.

Currently, many cultural trends from abroad are introduced to the public. Do you still remember the vocabulary of 'Konmari'? A Japanese term popularized by Marie Kondo about tidying up the house well. Now, there is a new term that is ready for you to listen to. Niksen, a term from the Netherlands which means doing nothing.

The term Niksen is often the opposite of productive behavior. Increasing mental health results in reactions such as fatigue and burnout. Being busy with someone makes it mentally weaker. Quoted from TIME, Saturday, November 29, Eve Ekman, a training director at the University of California said everyone is looking for some way for convenience and connection because being busy makes them more tired.

Although Niksen means not doing anything, it can be a consideration if we feel too busy and overwhelmed with our work. Limiting activity can slow down emotions and reduce anxiety. By doing Niksen, it helps to find new ideas. At least that's what Veenhoven, director of the World Database of Happiness said.

"Even when we are 'Niksen', our brains are still processing information and using processing power to solve pending problems." explained Veenhoven. Increasing one's creativity can also be obtained through this Niksen.

A 2013 study conducted in Frontiers in Psychology, wandering thoughts can help a person get inspiration or what actions he needs to take. Niksen sounds simple but in fact it is difficult to do. There are no specific provisions on how to do Niksen. Just take a moment to pause and stare out the window. It is also recommended to try a staycation for the night and turn off device notifications. It's all about letting life go according to plan, and freeing ourselves from the obligations of a moment.

Even though it is interesting, Niksen's activities cannot be done too often. Nilsen can form two possibilities from a positive or negative side. Not only positive thoughts, Nilsen can also deepen your contemplating activity. These consequences affect a person's emotions in the long run. Daydreaming is also considered to be associated with higher life satisfaction, especially daydreaming about family and friends.

In a 2016 study, people who participate in productive activities tend to be happier because of their much stronger social behavior. Happiness can generate productivity that has a relationship between relaxation and happiness.

In the end, only you can determine how you behave with your life. Maybe Niksen is an interesting solution but you can't depend on Niksen because Niksen is not the only way to achieve peace in life.

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