Angry, Aurel Hermansyah Pregnant, Is Prayed To Die, Atta Halilintar Chase The Perpetrator
Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hemansyah (Photo: IG @attahalilintar)

JAKARTA - There is bad news amid the happiness of Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah who are pregnant with their first child. A netizen prayed for Aurel to die and not get pregnant.

Of course, the prayer made Atta furious. He uploaded a screenshot of a netizen's commentary, praying for his wife to die, not to be pregnant.

"In 24 hours no sorry, I'm looking for you", wrote Atta on Instagram @attahalilintar.

Atta's followers immediately welcomed the upload. They join in hunting down the perpetrator.

Two hours after the post was uploaded, a netizen found the perpetrator. After that, the perpetrator made an apology video.

"I am Wulandari or who have an Instagram account that has posted or commented on things that are not good. I apologize to Ms. Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar. I apologize profusely, thank you", said Wulandari in the upload of Insta Story Atta Halilintar, Friday, May 7.

Atta gave a brief comment in the upload. "Make it a lesson, Ma'am", he wrote.

It seems that Atta doesn't want the problem to be prolonged and chooses to enjoy happiness over the news that Aurel is positively pregnant. Atta shared the news of their first child's pregnancy on Instagram.

Atta Halilintar looks happy holding Aurel's stomach while kissing his wife's cheek. Atta expressed his happiness. "Alhamdulillah, Allah, my wife is positively pregnant", wrote Atta on Instagram. Aurel's pregnancy became Atta's dream come true. Since marriage, both of them did not want to delay having a baby.

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