JAKARTA - After five working days, the weekend should be greeted with joy. But for someone who has weekend anxiety, he will experience different conditions.

A clinical psychologist, Catherine Madigan suggests that those who suffer from this syndrome will be restless because they are worried that their weekends will not be enjoyed well. Weekend anxiety is not a medical term, but not a few people experience it.

Especially someone who has big hopes and desires to spend the weekend to perfection. Reported by Kompas, Friday, April 30, clinical psychologist Luke Martin also said that the anxiety that comes near or at this weekend is a side effect of modern life.

Modern life with little time for a weekend is stressful. Two days of resting and doing relaxation activities ended up feeling imperfect because of fear, anxiety and restlessness.

Too high expectations also lead to high feelings of anxiety. This makes you feel even more depressed, says Doctor Martin.

Unexpectedly, weekend anxiety is often experienced by those who work too hard.

“Weekend anxiety may be an indication that you are used to a controlled environment at work. This is what makes anxiety easy to arise, "said Dr Martin.

That is, not a relaxing weekend away from the workload controlled by the office but because there is no work done for the weekend, the effect is feeling anxiety and restlessness.

Weekend anxiety can be identified with certain symptoms. The symptoms include the following:

Irritable irritability Frequent headaches Panic Too worried Abdominal pain Easily irritated Lack of leisure time

To overcome this, one needs planning. Try to plan what activities you can do on the weekend. Whether it's doing activities at home alone, or gathering with close friends and family.

More importantly, someone experiencing weekend anxiety needs to reduce the stress on himself. You, if you experience anxiety before or during the weekend try to do your favorite activity.

This needs to be done so that every time you have a relaxing time can still be meaningful and can take a break from your workload.

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