JAKARTA - Baim Wong revealed that his divorce process was still ongoing and had not yet reached its end. He admitted that he needed calm, especially before the month of Ramadan, so that his children could perform fasting well.

"Anyway, this drama is not over yet, I need calm, after the decision I'm sure there are things that shock me, but I need to calm down, especially children need fasting," said Baim Wong in the Pesanggrahan area, South Jakarta, Friday, March 21.

Baim also emphasized that the main focus is not on Gono-gini assets, but more on the interests of children.

"I didn't think about it (about it like this). I know what he did but I didn't think about it, I didn't focus on it. If I'm someone like that, I don't think about money, I don't want to use money. It's more for children," said Baim.

Furthermore, Fahmi Bachmid, Baim Wong's attorney, said that both parties are still trying to work together for the best for their children.

"We have two terms to work with each other. It's only that sometimes I as a father (want) for the best children, it's okay," he continued.

Regarding the ongoing legal process, Fahmi revealed that the court's decision is likely to only come out after Lebaran.

"After this conclusion, maybe in the month after Lebaran the new verdict," said Fahmi Bachmid.

He also emphasized that the decision will cover two main aspects, namely divorce and child custody.

"So one decision. Divorce and at the same time hadiah, child custody. Because the lawsuit is only that. So the lawsuit is child custody and divorce. Sorry, divorce and child custody are one. One unit cannot be separated. It will be decided both," said Fahmi.

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