JAKARTA - Dee Company's production house announced the film Norma: Antara In-laws and In-laws received a rating of 13+ audience age. The announcement was made through a third poster upload depicting Norma (Tissa Biani) standing face to face, while behind Irfan's shadow silhouette (Yusuf Mahardika) and Rina (Wulan Guritno) were together.
With the theme of infidelity as the original story adapted, this rating creates curiosity. "We are indeed adapting the issue of a viral affair. But we think teenagers also have to learn about loyalty. Therefore, this film does not only prioritize this issue," said Dee Company Producer and CEO, Dheeraj Kalwani.
The intimate scene, continued Dheeraj, remains in the film. "However, from the shooting process we have used the Intimacy Coordinator. Body relations remain but the portion and depiction of artisticism are not vulgar," he explained. Wulan Guritno welcomed the decision enthusiastically. Moreover, the Norma film: Between the in-laws and the son-in-law will air during Eid.
"Seneng ya, bisa jadi film pilihan keluarga. Karena ketika saya menerima tawaran bermain di film ini, dari awal saya tahu emosinya komple. Ada isu parenting, romanme, sampai adab dalam kompangan," katanya.
Norma: Antara In-laws and In-laws tells the story of Norma (Tissa Biani) who is quiet and shy about feeling lucky to marry her first love: Irfan (Yusuf Mahardika). Their married life is happy, Irfan overflows Normas with love.
Even Irfan also served the parents of Norma: Abdul (Rukman Rosadi) and Rina (Wulan Guritno). Who would have thought, behind Irfan's perfect father, it turned out that he was having an affair. Norma's heart is broken when he finds out that Irfan is actually having an affair with Rina, Norma's own mother. Normas are heartbroken, looking for answers to why all this happened to her.
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