YOGYAKARTA - The total lunar eclipse phenomenon or Blood Moon is expected to occur on Friday, March 14, 2025. According to the BMKG, this eclipse can be observed from eastern Indonesia, although the peak phase is not visible throughout Indonesia. It is interesting to hear the cause of this rare lunar eclipse phenomenon.
"Well, we can see the eclipse from the eastern part of Indonesia, for the total eclipse phase it ends and the eclipse phase ends," said the Head of the BMKG Potential Geophysics Division Team, Syrojudin, quoting from ANTARA.
According to the BMKG, a total lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth, and the Moon are aligned in one straight line. Under these conditions, the Moon enters the shadow of Earth's umbra, so that the light of the Sun that reaches the Moon experiences refraction by Earth's atmosphere, making it appear blood red.
The phenomenon of this total lunar eclipse always attracts public interest. So what is the cause of the phenomenon of a total lunar eclipse and when it will occur in Indonesia?
The total lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth, and the Moon are in a straight line, so that the light of the Sun that should be shining on the Moon is blocked by the Earth. This phenomenon can only occur during the full moon phase. But not every full moon has an eclipse due to the Moon's orbit that is tilted towards Earth's orbit.
The process begins when the Moon begins to enter the shadow of Earth's penumbra, which is a faint shadow that still receives some of the sun's light. Furthermore, the Moon moves further into the shadow of the umbra, the darkest part of Earth's shadow. This condition makes the light of the Sun not directly reach the surface of the Moon.
In the totality phase, the Moon is entirely in Earth's umbra and appears red because Earth's atmosphere makes the sun light, filters out the wavelength of the blue and leaves only a red color.
After passing through the totality phase, the Moon slowly exits the umbra and re-enters the penumbra before finally returning to look as usual. This total lunar eclipse lasts for several hours and becomes one of the exciting celestial phenomena to observe.
BMKG conveyed the schedule for a total lunar eclipse in Indonesia which will take place on March 14, 2025. The following is the schedule for the blood moon that will occur:
The Head of the BMKG Potential Geophysics Division Team, Syrojudin, stated that people in the eastern part of Indonesia can still observe the end of the total eclipse phase and the penumbral eclipse phase.
This total lunar eclipse cannot be observed in all parts of Indonesia. Eastern Indonesia is the most fortunate area, because the people there can still witness the final phase of the eclipse. Meanwhile, the peak phase of the total lunar eclipse can only be clearly visible from:
BMKG advises Indonesians who want to witness this phenomenon to choose a location with a clean sky and a little light pollution.
This is information regarding the phenomenon of a total lunar eclipse that will take place on March 14, 2025. The cause of the total lunar eclipse phenomenon occurs because the position of the Sun, Earth, and the Moon is in a straight line, so that sunlight is blocked. Also read what a wormhole moon is.
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