Long awaited, the Korean drama Resident Playbook has finally received a broadcast schedule. This drama has been in production and challenges since last year.
It was postponed, tvN announced the broadcast date by releasing a short teaser containing the four main characters. They are Oh Yi Young (Go Youn Jung), Pyo Nam Kyung (Shin Si Ah, Um Jae Il (Kang You Seok), and Kim Sa Bi (Han Ye Ji).
This short video shows the anticipation of Oh Yi Young and his three friends eating burgers but they have to stop because they have to take a call.
Their work as obgyns requires them to always be ready in handling patients to make them leave the food they just ate.
Resident Playbook is a spin-off from the drama Hospital Playlist which will tell the incident at Jongno branch's Yulje Medical Center.
"Through the journey of the main characters who started with knowledge, we aim to tell stories that can connect with those who have just joined the world of work," said the production team.
"As they face a less familiar environment, each character will grow with their side and hopefully the audience can watch their journey," he said.
Resident Playbook will air their first episode on April 12.
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