JAKARTA - Kim Soo Hyun's agency, Gold Medalist made a new statement after several recent photos circulated on the internet. The photo follows with allegations that Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Sae Ron had been dating for six years when Kim Sae Ron was 15 years old.
A user on Weibo revealed a recent photo showing Kim Soo Hyun kissing Kim Sae Ron. Several love letters written by Kim Soo Hyun to Kim Sae Ron during his military service were also revealed to the public.
After denying this, the Gold Medalist agency released a statement that they would make a new statement next week.
We want to talk about the latest content about Kim Soo Hyun which was broadcast on Hoverlab Inc. Gold Medalist will clarify the facts and respond to baseless rumors by releasing a clear position next week, "said Gold Medalist on Thursday, March 13.
"We apologize in writing for waiting a long time and asking for your understanding as we are avoiding the ongoing report. Thank you," he said.
Previously, the agency said the claims made by the HoverLab channel were false and baseless. They are also preparing to take legal steps to sue the canal.
Wednesday, March 12, HoverLab released a love letter that Kim Soo Hyun sent to Kim Sae Ron when she was 17 years old, a postcard when Kim Soo Hyun was in France, and Aunt Sae Ron who said the two had talked about marriage.
In one of his letters, Kim Soo Hyun wrote, "Saeronoero (Kim Soo Hyun's dear nickname for Kim Sae Ron), what I think is good, what I see and feel, I want to share with you. Right now it's hard to see you but I want to share with you. I don't want to burden you but I can say I miss you."
So with a postcard from Paris that reads, 'I love you, Saero-nero. You make me proud, you are extraordinary, and I apologize forever.'
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