JAKARTA - Breaking fast is the most delicious accompanied by a refreshing dish. One that is worth trying is spinach green jelly, fresh and healthy drink.
The spinach green ice prescription was shared by Chef Devina Hermawan on his personal Instagram account. Here's the recipe that you can try.
Materials needed to be observant:
1 pack of plain jelly powder (15 gr)1 packs of powder in plain (7 gr) 4 leaves of pandan 80 gr of sugar 50 grams of spinach
Other ingredients:
Rock sugar pandan/steviaEs sirup milk
How to create:
1. Boil spinach for a while, then rinse and squeeze. Blender with a little water to smooth. 2. In the pan, put sugar, plain jelly powder, so that it is plain and water slowly stirred. Then add pandan leaves, cook until it boils. 3. Put the spinach that has been blended, cook until it boils and then pour it into the umbrella or print. Then cool it to set. 4. Curves carefully with a spoon then put it in the glass. Pour milk, ice cubes, and liquid sugar into it. 5. Thus, spinach green jelly ice is ready to be served.
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