JAKARTA - Baim Wong uploaded a moment of togetherness with Paula Verhoeven and her two children after being accused of making it difficult for his wife to meet children. This moment was uploaded by Baim through his personal Instagram, he and Paula were seen in the car. Both revealing that children's happiness is their priority. "The main priority is always the happiness of the children. Whatever happens, they still get the love of both parents. #FamilyFirst #ForKianoKenzo," wrote Baim Wong quoted by VOI from Instagram @baimwong, Friday, February 14. He revealed that this moment happened when they celebrated the Chinese New Year moment on January 27 yesterday. "A day together four welcomed CNY, January 27, 2025," added Baim. Through Instagram, Paula expressed her happy feelings because she was able to meet her children again. "Alhamdulillah, finally, our photo went four of us already in the papa post, son. It means that mom can also post a moment which certainly made you very happy at that time," said Paula. Even though they only met for 3 hours, but for Paula it has been the happiest day for her.
"3 hours is very meaningful for mom on Friday, January 24, 2025. It feels like mom's happiness can't be exchanged anything when she sees the two of you so enthusiastic about chatting with mom and dad," he explained. See this, many netizens finally pray that the couple who is currently undergoing a divorce trial can reconcile. "Don't want to reconcile, ma'am," said a netizen. "You don't need to reconcile, it's better just make peace," continued another netizen. "Don't melt, ma'ampetau," said another netizen.
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