JAKARTA - The divorce of Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven is still ongoing at the South Jakarta Religious Court. However, as if he didn't want to bother, Paula chose to focus on her fashion business.

For Paula, being able to have your own business according to his world is a blessing from Allah in the midst of life problems.

"Mashaallah yesterday, the main launch was speechless, just thanks to Allah for all this blessing from Allah and thank God everything went smoothly," said Paula Verhoeven in the Jakarta area, Wednesday, February 12.

Paula undeniable feeling of worry because her new profession as a designer is seen by many people.

"I was nervous because the model was changed, it turned out that I felt what brands or designers felt," said Paula.

"Usually I'm already running, now I feel the vibrations are different again," he continued.

Even so, Paula was reluctant to go away about the sales target of her Muslim clothes. The most important thing is that the business can be accepted by the community.

"Nothing, just run it because this is something new too," he said.

"Just given the opportunity on this stage I am very grateful, because yes something extraordinary, extraordinary experience," he said.

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