JAKARTA - Paula Verhoeven said that she plans to teach her eldest son, Kiano Tiger Wong to fast in the upcoming holy month of Ramadan.
The reason is, Paula feels that the age of Kiano, who is 5 years old, is enough to be taught about fasting.
"Actually, I went to Kiano during school, saying 'now Kiano is five years old, so let's try this year to fast for half a day', we'll see what happens later, hopefully Kiano will be strong like fasting," said Paula Verhoeven in the Jakarta area, Wednesday, February 12.
Paula explained that she and Baim had given their children a little knowledge of fasting.
"Last year, I wanted to accompany them, because after the night they like to wake up so when we were sahur he likes to be friends with sahur," said Paula.
"So a little he knows what fasting is but maybe we as parents should give them an understanding," he continued.
The mother of two children said that she had taught her two children about Islam since she was a child, from praying to short letters in the Koran.
"I don't understand it yet, but now they are studying prayers. Yesterday with me studying al-Fatihah, then that's the short letters, now learning ablution, praying, yes slowly the name is also a child, we must consistently teach them," explained Paula.
He hopes that in the holy month of Ramadan his son can return to feeling fasting. "God willing," he said.
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