JAKARTA - Indonesia Fashion Week (IFW) 2025 has again become a prestigious event for models who want to pursue a career in the country's fashion industry.

The rigorous selection process ensures that only those with high talent, character, and adaptability can move on to the IFW main stage.

As one of the largest fashion events in Indonesia, IFW is not only looking for models with attractive views, but also those who have the ability to walk on catwalks, understand fashion concepts, and are able to represent the diversity of Indonesian culture.

Every year, hundreds of participants from various regions participate in auditions in the hope of becoming the new face of the national fashion industry.

"The 2025 Icon Search IFW is not just a model search event, but also an effort by Indonesia Fashion Week to find a new icon that can represent the uniqueness and richness of Indonesian culture in the global fashion world," said Poppy Dharsono, president of Indonesia Fashion Week 2025 when met after the event, recently.

According to him, there are several main criteria that are considered in the selection of the IFW 2025 model. In addition to a proportional posture and good running technique, the participants are also judged based on their personality, expression, and ability to bring various fashion themes.

The uniqueness of character and self-confidence are important points that distinguish one participant from another.

The model is one of the important components in the fashion industry in Indonesia. The criteria for model number one must be high. Women 170 and above, the men are 180 and above. After that, their posture, their way of walking and their charming are on stage, "explained Poppy.

In addition to the technical aspect, the models are also required to have broad insights into the fashion world. They must be able to adapt to various styles, from traditional clothing to modern designs.

The ability to cooperate with designers and understand the concept of the collection displayed is also an added value in the assessment.

"We want the appearance of the models to be able to represent various Indonesian cultures from various regions so that they can represent the values of IFW diversity. Moreover, IFW 2025 again carries Jakarta as a melting pot for various cultural meetings to be presented in every collection on the runway," said Poppy Dharsono.

This year, IFW 2025 also provides an opportunity for the public to participate in the selection process through online voting on social media. This step not only provides space for the public to support their favorites, but is also a benchmark for how much attractive and influential a model is in today's digital era.

Models that have successfully passed the selection will have various opportunities to develop in the fashion world, either through photo shoots, campaigns for well-known brands, and appearing on various other prestigious fashion stages.

"IfW 2025 is not just a fashion event, but also a place for young talents to pursue a professional career in the increasingly competitive fashion industry," concluded Poppy.

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