YOGYAKARTA Sleepiness throughout the day has many causes. It could be due to lack of sleep, experiencing sleep disorders, due to taking certain medications, or experiencing certain medical or mental conditions. Medically, excessive drowsiness is called hypersomnia, which is a sign that it can vary between one person and another.

Hypersomnia means excessive drowsiness that shift workers often experience, it could also be due to family demands, social life, or because of studies. This condition, which causes excessive drowsiness, can be overcome or cured. But it is important to recognize the following characteristics of hypersomnia:

In extreme cases, someone with hypersomnia may sleep well at night for 12 hours or more, but still feel the need for naps during the day, reported by Better Health, Friday, January 31.

Sleeping and napping for people with hypersomnia does not help get rid of drowsiness or fresher and can concentrate. Hypersomnia can be caused by the following factors:

If you are sleepy all day, it is important to identify the cause. Because in diagnosing a doctor requires information about the medical history and symptoms experienced. In addition to recognizing the symptoms experienced, it is very important to immediately check with a doctor so that they immediately get a recommendation to overcome it.

Please note, hypersomnia is also prone to accidents when you have to drive a long-distance vehicle. So, for your overall safety and health, immediately check when disturbed with a sleep that never disappears even though you have been sleeping for a long time.

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