JAKARTA - Durian is included in the seasonal fruit group. To eat this fruit, you must wait for a certain harvest month so that the taste of the durian fruit is maximally delicious.
Even though durian is a seasonal fruit, those who like it don't have to worry because there is the right way to keep it for a long time, but it feels still good.
Quoting from SG Magazine, how to keep durian for a long time and still delicious is by freezing it. Frozen durian in the freezer is the best way to maintain durian quality and taste.
durian meat stored frozen in the freezer can last up to six months. Before storing it in the freezer, there are several ways that need to be considered and done.
The trick is to split the durian and take only the meat. However, you can also include the seeds, according to each individual's preferences.
Then put durian fruit in a container or plastic food storage, and close it tightly. The durian container then stores it in the freezer with a temperature of minus 17 degrees Celsius.
If you want to enjoy durian in the future, you can remove it first to melt. Frozen durian meat can return completely to its original state, as if it had just been opened. You can also dilute frozen durian until the texture is soft like ice cream.
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