JAKARTA - Intermittent fasting is one of the most popular diet methods in society lately. This method requires a person to fast without food within a certain period of time.
This diet divides daily time in two periods, namely the fasting period and the meal period. During the fasting period, you are not allowed to consume anything, except drinking water.
The water in question is basically zero-calorie mineral water. However, what if someone who is intermittent fasting needs coffee in the middle of its fasting period?
Quoted from Women's Health, on Friday, January 31, 2025, it is said that a cup of black coffee will not interfere with the dietary fasting period. This is because a glass of black coffee is generally fat-free.
However, you should pay attention to the coffee-making process. Don't add a cup of black coffee with other ingredients, such as milk, creamer, or sugar.
Drinking coffee with various additions can interfere with the period of fasting on the intermittent diet you live in. Especially for milk, because milk contains calories.
Adding milk will technically cancel your fast, because milk contains calories,' said nutritionist Roxana Ehsani.
That way, you can only consume black coffee in the fasting intermittent fasting period. You can't drink coffee concoctions such as sugar milk coffee, macchiato, Marijuana, to chicken coffee that contains milk.
Meanwhile, intermittent fasting is claimed to be able to lose weight in the short term. This diet can also improve blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and insulin resistance.
Consuming coffee during intermittent fasting also provides several benefits for the body. Such as facilitating metabolism, to maintaining brain health during fasting.
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