YOGYAKARTA - Itching can be felt and appear in any part of the body. Of course, this makes you uncomfortable and also embarrassed to scratch it if you are in a public place. The cause of armpits can often itching due to various things. Therefore, it is important for you to know the cause in order to do the right handling.

Below are some things that can cause armpits to itch frequently, reported from the Healthy page:

Contact dermatitis is the most common cause of itching armpits. Contact dermatitis in armpits can occur when something touches the skin area and causes irritation.

For example, the use of deodorants, perfumes, bath soaps, detergents from clothes or even iron from armpit shaving kits. This often results in armpits getting red, itching, and burning. In addition, because the skin area is very prone to abrasions, the rash will get worse and spread.

When the sweat tract on the armpits experiences poor air circulation (which often occurs in warm conditions), the channel traps sweat under the skin and can cause bentols, bumps and leps. When the rash is infected, you may find a group of small bumps and more uniform pustula.

Foliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles that occur due to bacterial infections, generally due to Staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria can enter through open skin, and can even live on old barbershops. This condition can feel very itchy or painful.

This condition occurs when hair in the armpit grows back into the skin. The body will respond to this as a foreign object and react by sending inflammatory cells to the hair.

This causes red or pink bumps around the hair, which will feel very itchy and/or painful. Ingrown hair often occurs in people who have thicker or coarser hair.

Candida is a fungus that can grow in a warm and humid environment such as armpits. Conditions such as overweight, diabetes, or the use of antibiotics can put a person at risk of contracting this skin infection.

Symptoms of Candida fungi infection can be in the form of bright red spots surrounded by small red bumps (satellosis). This condition is certainly very itchy and may smell unpleasant.

In some cases, itching armpits may subside by themselves without the need for treatment.

However, this condition can also be overcome by taking topical drugs and changing lifestyles. Itching armpits treatment of course must be adjusted to the cause.

Itching ketik can be overcome in the following way:

Such is the review of the causes of armpits that are often itching and how to overcome them. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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