JAKARTA - Producing health technology is growing rapidly, one of which is embryo freezes or embryo freezes.

This method allows couples who want to have children in the future to store embryos that have been fertilized so that they can be used at the right time.

However, this use is still controversial. Not infrequently, some people debate the risk of embryo freezing. However, this risk can be assisted by a Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGTA).

PGTA is a genetic examination carried out before embryos are grown into the uterus. With this technology, doctors can evaluate whether embryos have a normal number of chromosomes or not. This was revealed by dr. Victor Prana Andika Santawi, Sp.OG, M.Res, Specialist in Content & Obscenity Eka Hospital Family & Grand Family.

"The risk (egen embryo freezing) is still controversial in research. But fortunately now there is PGTA, Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy. So before we plant the embryo, we first check whether the cell is normal or not, the embryo has genetic abnormalities or not," said dr. Victor, when met in the Blok M area, Jakarta on Thursday, January 30.

"If there is nothing, then we will plant it, so that it resembles the success rate," said dr. Victor.

The embryo freezing is carried out right after the menstrual cycle ends. However, the timing of frozen embryo transfer can vary depending on the menstrual cycle and body condition.

"During menstruation, it means that the uterus is still ready for us to work. As long as it is not operational, we can still do it," explained Dr. Victor.

dr. Victor said the price of the IVF program and accompanying procedures could be different depending on hospital facilities, the technology used, as well as additional services such as genetic examination of embryos.

"Embrio freezing already exists. The costs vary, for example, there is a baby tube with a package of Rp. 50 million. There is a baby tube of Rpp150-200 million." added dr. Victor.

dr. Victor said aneuploidy is one of the most frequently studied chromodynamic disorders in the genetic world. This disorder occurs when the number of chromodynamics in a person's cell does not match the normal number, which is 46 chromosomes. Normally, humans have 23 pairs of chromodynamics inherited from both parents, namely 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 chromosomes from the father.

"So the most often research is anneuploidy or the number of chromosomes. The number of chromosomes should be 46 in a human, 23 from a mother, 23 from a father. The more woman the age continues, the more anneuploidy risk occurs. So the number of chromosomes is problematic." said dr. Victor.

In addition to embryo freezing, there are also several medical procedures for having available offspring. Among them are egg freezing (Oocyte cryptopreservation), sperm freezing, ovarian tissue freezing and testes, and the use of fertility protective drugs with Agonis GnRH.

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