YOGYAKARTA - Children's independence is an important aspect in their development, because by becoming independent, children can develop their confidence, social skills, and ability to solve problems. However, children's independence does not just appear, but is influenced by various factors that come from their family environment, education, and social experiences. Here are some factors that influence children's independence.

Parental parenting has a big role in shaping children's independence. Parents who give freedom within reasonable limits, support children to try new things, and provide age-appropriate responsibilities, will help children grow up to become independent individuals. On the other hand, overprotective parenting or authoritarian parenting can hinder the development of children's independence, because they are not given the opportunity to make decisions or learn from mistakes.

Apart from parenting, family environmental conditions are also a factor that affects children's independence. Children who grow up in harmonious families, where open communication and emotional support are available, will be more confident in taking action on their own. On the other hand, families that are too restrictive or not paying enough attention can make children feel insecure and afraid to try new things.

Schools are places where children get a lot of new experiences and challenges that can increase their independence. Teachers who encourage students to think critically, complete their own tasks, and make decisions can help children learn to be responsible. Education systems that provide free learning and opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities also strongly support children's independence.

Interactions with peers also play a role in shaping children's independence. Children who have friends with independent attitudes tend to imitate these behaviors. On the other hand, if children are used to depending on their friends in making decisions, then they can find it difficult to develop their own independence. Therefore, it is important for parents to pay attention to their child's social environment so that they get a positive influence.

Giving children the opportunity to make decisions is one of the factors that affect children's independence. By making their own decisions, children learn to be responsible for their choices. Parents can start from small things, such as choosing clothes to wear, determining the breakfast menu, or planning weekend activities. With consistent training, children will be more confident in making bigger decisions.

Children who are accustomed to facing challenges and solving problems themselves will be more independent than children who are always dependent on their parents or teachers in solving every difficulty. Therefore, it is important for parents and educators not to help their children too quickly in every situation, but to give them the opportunity to try to solve it on their own.

Confidence is an important element in children's independence. Children who have high self-confidence are more daring to try new things, explore the world around them, and take responsibility. This confidence can be built through the support of parents, their successful experience, and opportunities to learn from failure.

In the digital era like now, technology also affects children's independence. If used wisely, technology can help children learn independently through various educational sources. However, excessive use, especially in the form of passive entertainment such as watching videos without educational purposes, can make children less independent and dependent on technology devices.

So the conclusion is that children's independence is the result of various related factors. Factors that affect children's independence include parenting, the family environment, education, peer influence, opportunities to make decisions, the ability to overcome problems, self-confidence, and the role of technology. By understanding and supporting these factors, parents and educators can help children develop into more independent, confident, and ready to face challenges in the future.

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