JAKARTA - Reza Rahadian and Sheila Dara Aisha are reunited in a film, namely The Most Beautiful Girl in the World. Under the direction of director Robert Ronny, this romantic comedy film will tell about two people with different characters.

In a two-minute trailer, the audience will get acquainted with the role of Reza Rahadian, a Goodminton who is the heir to his father's media. He met Kiara, starring Sheila Dara, a producer who works on a television station owned by her father.

The conflict begins when you get a legacy, on the condition that you have to find the most beautiful girl in the world. Kiara is the producer for a dating competition to helpUS.

The trailer shows the two of them are often brought together in conflict-filled situations until they begin to learn from each other.

The Most Beautiful Girl in the World tells the story of Why (Reza Rahadian) who is asked to find a partner as a fulfillment of the requirements for inheritance. Kiara (Sheila Dara) an ambitious producer was also asked to work on a dating program for her sake.

cable and Kiara often went into conflict because of different points of view, but incidents of being trapped on the island made the two begin to understand each other.

The script for The Most Beautiful Girl in the World was written by Robert Ronny with Titien Wattimena and Ifan Ismail. This film is also played by Ira Wibowo, Bucek, Dea Panendra, Kevin Julio, Jihane Almira Chedid, and Indra Birowo.

This title marks Reza Rahadian and Robert Ronny's latest collaboration after the 2017 film Critical Eleven, while the last collaboration of Sheila Dara and Robert Ronny was Promise in the same year.

Meanwhile, The Most Beautiful Girl in the World will be released on Netflix on February 14.

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