JAKARTA - Hairchildren are smooth and thin hair strands, appearing along the front and side hair lines. Although it looks adorable, stimulating can be difficult. If you want to lengthen your hair and keep it from getting tangled, here are some tips and tricks to help you care for your hair's natural growth while arranging it easily.
While waiting for the hairlets to grow perfectly, this simple maintenance habit can produce hair strands that are healthier, smoother, and easy to manage.
Before bathing, massage your scalp every day for 30 seconds. Place your fingertip on your head and turn it around while applying soft pressure. You can massage the front of the scalp so that it will increase blood flow and stimulate the health of the follicles and hair growth. You can also add several drops of essential oil such as rosemary, lavender, or peppermint as a support.
Start using sulfate-free shampoos rich in vitamin A, green tea, sunflower oil, and shea butter, which will moisturize the scalp and will further boost hair growth. This sappo also helps tame the hairlets to make them more easily regulated, remove tangled, and will make your hairlets grow faster and healthier.
If you often pull the back of your hair and tie it to a tight rubber bracelet, then you will cause a broken hair problem, especially when tying the horse's tail model too tightly. Subtle hair children are a new growth, which will immediately break, and shrink hair fiber further, thereby hampering the growth process. This will also cause branching and damaged hair, therefore if your main goal is to increase the growth of the hair child, then start disentangling the hair.
Comb the hair with a wide-tooth comb because pulling the hair with a small-tooth comb, especially when stimulating the hair, can damage the hair. Therefore, use a plastic comb or wide-toothed wood that can easily unfurl the hair from the roots and make the process easier and less painful. In addition, start using a serum when breaking your hair, so that the combing process becomes easier.
Reporting from the Times of India, Thursday, January 30, the use of conditioner immediately seeps into the hair stems and provides nutrients that will make the hairlets free and will make it grow faster. Choose a conditioner with the content of quality ingredients such as honey, amino acids, proteins, and macadamia oils, which will provide more in-depth care.
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