JAKARTA - The feud between Hotma Sitompul and Desiree Tarigan is spreading and heating up. Previously, it was reported that Desiree sued his adoptive mother, Muliana Tarigan, which was carried out in 2018 at the South Jakarta District Court in 2018.

Desiree's lawyer, Hotman Paris, has explained that the lawsuit is for the completeness of the administration of the adopted child to get an admission that Desiree was really adopted by Muliana Tarigan. Knowing that the issue was being brought up, Hotma's mother-in-law, who is familiarly called Thousand, raised her voice.

Desiree uploaded a video of Thousand on Instagram @mamitoko. "Thousands of messages for Hotma Sitompoel," Desiree wrote in the statement column quoted on Monday, April 19.

Muliana asked Hotma not to disturb her daughter and her family. He also asked the lawyer to return Desiree to his family.

"Hotma, if Hotma doesn't love Desi anymore, return it to me, she is my child. I'm sick of being made rich like that Hot," said Muliana while holding back tears.

On the second slide, Thousand appears calmer. He reiterated that Hotma did not disturb Desiree. "So never mind, I'm fine, but don't bother anymore," he continued.

"Hotma, don't bother me with my child, you don't know how much I love my child. So don't bother Hot, sorry to say that. I can't be bothered. My brother doesn't bother me. He embraces Desi," he said firmly. Thousand.

Desiree Tarigan's upload received many similar comments from netizens who felt empathy for Thousands. "Until his lips were trembling, so sad ... ooh God," wrote @lisrasalinding.

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