JAKARTA - Han So Hee will hold her first fan meeting. Through his agency, 9Ato Entertainment, the actress will visit various parts of the world which will begin in June.
Han So Hee will start fan meeting in Asia in July followed by Europe and America. Fans in various parts of the world can meet and interact with the 1993-born actress.
The "Fanmeetings will be held in several cities including Tokyo, Taipei, Bangkok, Jakarta, Paris, London, Berlin, Los Angeles, and New York," the agency said on Wednesday, January 22.
"We will do our best to restore fan support to us so far," he said.
The agency itself has not disclosed the date or poster as well as the promoter who will manage this event, but Han So Hee is confirmed to undergo her first tour this year.
Not only that, fans can also see the other side of Han So Hee which has never been shown in various segments.
Han So Hee made her acting debut in 2017 through the drama Into the New World. She received appreciation for her acting in various drama titles including The World of the Married, Nevertheless, My Name, and Soundtrack #1.
He last starred in the Gyeongseong Create series for two seasons and was preparing for his film with Jeon Jung Seo, Project Y.
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