JAKARTA - Safety is a top priority in the global aviation industry, including in the UK. In order to maintain aviation safety standards, the UK government and the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) regularly evaluate airlines from around the world.

As a result, several airlines are prohibited from operating in British airspace because they are deemed not to meet safety standards or are not supervised by the aviation authorities of their home countries.

The following is a list of airlines that are prohibited from flying in the UK's skies by 2025, as reported by VOI from the Metro.co.uk page on Tuesday, January 14, 2025.

1. Afghanistan

All airlines certified by Afghan authorities are prohibited from entering British airspace. These airlines include Ariana Afghan Airlines and Kam Air.

2. Angola

Most Angolan airlines are prohibited, except for airlines such as TAAG Angola Airlines and Heli Malongo. Airlines banned include:- Aerojet- Air Jet- Bestfly Aircraft- Guicango- Heliang- SJL

3. Armenia

All Armenian airlines are prohibited, including Aircompany Armenia, Armenia Airways, Armenia Helicopters, Atlantis Armenian Airlines, Atlantis European Airways, and Mars Avia.

4. Congo (Brazzaville)

All Congorean airlines are prohibited, including Canadian Airways Congo, Equal Services, Equajet, Société Nouvelle Air Congo, and Trans Air Congo

5. Democratic Republic of the Congo

All airlines from DRC are prohibited, such as Air Fast Congo, Air Katanga, Busy Bee Congo, Compagnie Africaine D'Aviation (CAA), Congo Airways, Kin Avia, Malu Aviation, Mwant Jet, and Swala Aviation.

6. Djibouti

lightllo Airlines is the only airline from Djibouti to be on the banned list.

7. Eritrea

No Eritrean airlines are allowed in the UK, including Eritrean Airlines and Nasair Eritrea.

8. Iran

While Iran Aseman Airlines is banned, Iran Air is permitted with certain aircraft restrictions.

9. Iraq

Iraqi Airways is banned from operating in the UK.

10. Kyrgyzstan

All Kyrgyzstan airlines are prohibited from operating in the UK, including: Air Company Air KG- Air Manas-Avia Traffic Company- Sky KG Airlines- Tez Jet

11. Liberia

All Liberian-certified airlines are prohibited from flying in the UK.

12. Libya

All Libyan airlines are prohibited from flying in UK, including Afriqiyah Airways, Air Libya, Al Maha Aviation, Buraq Air, Global Aviation and Services, Libyan Airlines, Libyan Wings Airlines, and Petro Air.

13. Nepal

All Nepalese airlines are banned from the UK, airlines include but not limited to the following:- Altitude Air- Buddha Air-Komtail Air- Guna Airlines-Halayan Airlines- Makalu Air- Nepal Airlines Corporation- Simrik Air-Sita Air- Tara Air- Yeti Airlines

14. North Korea

Air Koryo is only allowed to operate certain aircraft in the UK, while others are prohibited.

15. Pakistan

All Pakistani airlines are banned from operating in the UK, including Airblue Limited, Airjukit, and Pakistan International Airlines.

16. Russia

A large number of Russian airlines are banned. The following are various airlines included in the list: - Airbridgecargo Airlines- Aircompany's North-West, Sirius-Aero and Sky Gates Airlines- Atran- Azur Air- Erofey- Gazpromavia- Joint Stock Company's Air Company Yakutia, Alrosa Air Company, Azimuth Airlines, Iraero Airlines, Jet Air Group, Nordstar Airlines, Red Wings, Royal Flight Airlines, Rusjet, Siberia Airlines, Smartavia Airlines, The 224-th Flight Unit State Airlines, Ural Airlines, and UVT Aero- JS Aviation Company Rusline- JSC Yamal Airlines- LLC Aircompany Ikar-Idian Air Company-Pobeda Airlines- Rossiya Airlines- Russian Airlines Aeroflot- Severstal Aircompany- Tulpar Air- UTair Aviation

17. Srypto Tom\'e and Pr\'cipe

All airlines from Srypto Tom\'e and Pr\'cipe are prohibited, including Africa's Connection and STP Airways.

18. Sierra Leone

No airline from Sierra Leone is allowed to operate in the UK.

19. Sudan

All Sudanese airlines are prohibited, such as:- Alfa Airlines SD- Badr Airlines- Blue Bird Aviation- Eldinder Aviation- Green Flag Aviation- Helejetic Air- Kush Aviation- Nova Airways- Sudan Airways- Sun Air- Tarco Air

20. Suriname

Blue Wing Airlines is banned from operating in the UK.

21. Venezuela

Avior Airlines is the only Venezuelan airline banned from operating in the UK

22. Zimbabwe

Pvt's Zimbabwean Water is prohibited from operating in the UK.

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