Alfred Molina Enthusiastically Playing Doctor Octopus In Spider-Man: No Way Home
Alfred Molina (Sony Pictures)

JAKARTA - Actor Alfred Molina has confirmed that he will return to play Doctor Octopus or Otto Octavius in the latest film Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Even though this news has been confusing since December 2020, today, April 17, launched Variety, Molina answered the news and shared her experiences.

“When we were filming, we were asked not to talk about it, because it should be a big secret. But, you know, this is all on the internet! " he said with a laugh.

Alfred Molina is delighted to return to play Doctor Octopus after his last role in Spider-Man 2 in 2014.

"It's very interesting to come back after 17 years playing the same character," said Molina while mentioning her physical changes.

A little flashback, Molina's character in Spider-Man 2, she is said to have died in the East River before the city was destroyed. But when discussing with director Jon Watts, he said, "In this universe, nobody dies."

Molina's joining in the new Spider-Man: No Way Home film has yet to be confirmed by Sony Pictures or Marvel Studios. But reportedly it has emerged as actor Jamie Foxx is also rumored to be returning to play Elector, a villain role in The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

Spider-Man: No Way Home is the third Spider-Man film from Marvel starring Tom Holland. The film is scheduled to air on December 17th.

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