YOGYAKARTA Durian cisang king is one of the types of premium durians that has many fans, because it has a sweet and bitter taste and has a creamy texture. In the market, the durian civet king in the banderol is Rp. 200-450 thousand per kilogram. The high market demand and high price of saucang king durians make many people want to plant or cultivate this type of durian. So, how long does the thorny seesaw king seeds bear fruit? How do you grow the durian miscong king?
Compiled from various sources, the age of bearing the durian seedlings of cisang king is influenced by various factors such as the quality of the seeds, the method of care, to environmental conditions.
Quoted from the ub.ac.id page, the durian seesaw king seeds will generally bear fruit at the age of 5-6 years after planting. Some of this type of durian tree can even bear fruit earlier.
Misalnya pada pohon durian kasang king kaki tiga, tanaman bisa segera berbuah dalam waktu 3-5 tahun saja dengan batung pohon yang masih pendek, tetapi buahnya sudah bergelantungan.
Quoted from the info ft uns page, the saucang three-footed durian plant is actually the result of genetic engineering in the durian sasang king with one leg.
The three legs in this superior durian seed come from one King civet durian seed as the main stem, supported by two local durian stems with superior quality that are connected to one.
Next, the top stem is taken or inoculated with the adult turian kusang king plant, but chosen which is of high quality with a sweet, large taste, and heavy fruit. This genetic engineering produces three-footed sasang king durian seeds with strong propagation and fast fruit.
Citing Andri Wijaya's Durian Planted Book, here are some ways to grow the durian sasang king so that it can bear fruit quickly.
When you want to cultivate the durian 1, you need to pay attention to the distance to plant. The right durian Musang King planting distance to produce quickly is 10 m x 10 m for gejah-aged durian cultivation. While the aged durian is being planted with a planting distance of about 12 m x 12 m.
The right distance of planting is important to ensure optimal growth and durian harvest. In addition, regulating the distance of planting can also prevent competition between trees in finding nutrition.
After determining the distance to plant, the way to plant the durian cisang king, which follows it, is to make a planting hole measuring 1 m x 1 m x 1 m by digging a hole into two parts.
For the upper soil, collect it to the left side and lower excavation soil collected at the right of the hole. Next, let the planting hole to dry be filled for more than 1 week.
After being left for a week, the cover of the planting hole with the top soil was put first. Only then did the compost intervening 35kg per hole, and followed by the ground below which had been mixed with 35 kg of manure and 1 kg of phosphate. The planting hole should be closed 7-15 days before loading the seeds.
Make sure the durian seeds to be planted are 75-150 cm high and in good health, good stems are sturdy and have a lot of strong silver.
Before planting, dig a planted hole that has been covered with a smaller size, coupled with the destruction of the soil that wraps the roots of durian seedlings.
After that, plant durian seeds in a way:
This information is about how long the sasang king durian will bear fruit and how to plant it. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.
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