JAKARTA - Regulating a good sleep pattern is very important in order to maintain your health and fitness. Especially after the long year-end holidays, which sleep patterns often become irregular, because during daily holidays they are filled with playing, relaxing, and sleeping longer.

Such sleep patterns must be fixed immediately, to prevent the body from getting tired, underpowered, and disrupt the routine after the holidays. Here are some ways that you can apply to reset your sleep patterns after the year-end long holidays.

Sleeping and waking up at the same time every day is very important to create a healthy sleep pattern. Therefore, it is important to make a sleep schedule so that the sleep pattern returns to normal.

The sleep schedule that has been made must also be carried out consistently, so that the body is used to sleeping and waking up at the predetermined time. This schedule must also be obeyed even on weekends, so that the stability of the sleep pattern is more maintained.

Many people have a habit of playing gadgets before bed, which actually has a bad impact on sleep quality. Blue light emitted from cell phones, tablets, and others can interfere with melatonin production and sleep-regulating hormones.

Melatonin helps the body prepare for sleep, and exposure to blue light can lower levels so that you can experience difficulty sleeping.

Therefore, avoid using electronic devices at least an hour before bed. You can change your activities by reading a book or listening to music to calm your mind and make you sleepy.

Good quality sleep is strongly influenced by the bedroom. Make sure your bedroom is dark, calm, and has a comfortable temperature, so your sleep is also of high quality.

Use a curtain that can block the light or turn off the lights, and use an ear covering or white noise machine if you can easily wake up because of the noise. A comfortable bed, as well as pillows that suit your preferences are also important to get a good and quality sleep.

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