JAKARTA - Exercising is good for health. If the best time on ordinary days can be adjusted to the circadian pattern, how about when you're fasting?

Exercising can have an adverse effect on the body if it is not done in a timely manner. Starting from too low blood sugar to dehydration can be experienced when exercising at the wrong time, especially during fasting.

Reported from Kompas, Thursday, April 15, the most appropriate time to exercise during fasting is when the body gets enough carbohydrate intake and hydration. This time ranges between after dawn, before iftar, after tarawih or before going to bed.

At these times, thirst can still be accepted or withheld. What needs to be noted is the level of exercise. Of course it is not wise if the level of exercise is excess so it is prone to interfere with the course of fasting.

The duration of exercise when you're fasting is between 20 minutes and is done regularly 4 to 5 times each week. While the types of exercises that can be done include brisk walking, jogging, and cardio calisthenics.

Cardio calisthenics exercise is a sport that does not require tools. In terminology or root comes from the Greek, namely kallos means 'beauty' and sthenos means strength.

From the origin of the word, calisthenic means a sport that combines beauty combined with strength and stability in interesting movements, pushing, attacking and lifting. The movement is classified as a cardio exercise that emphasizes flexibility is also able to burn fat.

olahraga saat puasa
Illustration of cardio calisthenics (Freepik/Racool_studio)

Cardio calisthenics include sprints, bodyweight squats, butt kicks, squat lunges, cross climbers, and heismans. Stretching before exercising needs to be done. Because to minimize injuries and can flex the body further.

Well, in addition to the types of exercises mentioned above, you can also do yoga during fasting. When it is done during fasting, you can choose effective yoga moves to detoxify, relax the body, and breathing rate more regularly.

This regular exercise needs to be balanced with time discipline. Adjust your sleeping patterns so that you don't get sleepy during the day. Also balance the intake of nutrients so that the health of the body remains under control.

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