JAKARTA - Not long ago, the mother of the late Ashraf Sinclair, Dida Sinclair, underwent eye cataract surgery.

This news was conveyed directly by Dida Sinclair through her personal Instagram upload.

Through her upload, Dida Sinclair shared her condition after surgery. In the photo, Dida smiles with a bandage that covers one of her eyes.

"Assalamualaikum. Alhamdulillah, finally my cataract was successfully picked up," he wrote, quoted by VOI from the Instagram account @dida_sinclair on Saturday, December 14, 2024.

Dida said that his eye condition was expected to be normal after three weeks. Not to forget, Dida Sinclair thanked netizens who had prayed for him to recover soon.

"Thank you for praying for my speedy recovery. dr. Muiz said the recovery might take up to 3 weeks," said Dida.

The upload managed to attract attention, including Bunga Citra Lestari or BCL.

Even though he is no longer Dida's son-in-law, BCL continues to provide support for Noah Sinclair's grandmother. Tiko Aryawardhana's wife admitted that she missed her ex-in-law.

"I miss you umi," said BCL in the comments column.

In addition to the response from BCL, netizens also prayed for Dida Sinclair to recover from her illness soon.

"Alhamdullilah. Be careful," commented the netizen. Thank God, hopefully he will be given a quick recovery, wrote another netizen. "Walaikumsalam wr wb. Get well quickly, Aunt Ameen Allahumma Ameen." continued another netizen.

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