JAKARTA - Every time a new food trend always appears, not infrequently with unique creations. Like recently a cafe caught the eye on social media for presenting a coffee menu with instant noodle toppings.
The coffee menu with instant noodle topping is offered by a cafe called Bilik Rumah Cafe. The cafe is located in Ciamis Regency, West Java.
The coffee concoction is the same as milk coffee in general. Using milk, creamer, sugar palm, andiri, which is then included in Indomie goreng with chili slices and lime slices.
The creation of the coffee menu with instant noodle topping immediately caught the attention of netizens, even becoming pros and cons. There are netizens who claim to be curious to try it, but there are also netizens who call the creation of the menu useless.
'Unik, creative, delicious,' netizen comments.
"In fact, I want to," said another.
"Stop it, it's useless," said another.
"This is very eccentric to coffee farmers," added another.
Meanwhile, after being traced, the instant noodle topping coffee menu was only sold specifically for Indonesian Independence Day, August 17, 2024. The menu is priced at IDR 18 thousand per glass.
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