JAKARTA - Celebrity Gading Marten shared his experience of acting with his daughter, Gempita Nora Marten in the film by director Imam Darto, Modal Nekad. Gading said that he had to convince his daughter to participate in filming and ensure Gempi's comfort in shooting. "Even though previously the video clip was Sal, but this is really different, this is a film, then we try to convince Gempi to want and be as comfortable as possible because it's not easy for a child as long as Gempi to play in a film," said Gading Marten dj in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Thursday, December 12. In fact, Gading is grateful because Imam Darto as a director can understand the routine of Gempi who is still in school. "Because it's not easy for a child as long as Gempi to play in films, in any set, he wants to be comfortable, not to go to school tomorrow," said Gading Marten. "It's usually 8 pm old. And there are also certainly obstacles at locations like heavy rain, we can't shoot outdoor. All of that was conditioned by Darto. The dream is also happy," he continued. Even though he has started to be invited to enter the world of acting, Gading Marten emphasized that he will not force his daughter to follow in the footsteps of his father and mother.

"If later let him choose. Now everyone try, try acting, try singing, their parents want Gempi to," he said. "So now it's just support, so first you have to ask Gempi whether you want it or not. If you want, okay support. If Gempi feels burdened, don't," he said. The film Capital Nekad will start showing in theaters on 19 December by showing artists such as Tara Budiman, Fatih Unru, Gisella Anastasia, Prisia Nasution, Sahila Hisyam and many more.

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