YOGYAKARTA At the most needed times, children may often not pay attention to their parents' words. As parents, of course, they are excited and want to raise voices. But it needs to be known, how come there is a way for children to pay attention to their parents' words without having to speak up. According tote Miller, coaching coach at the Institute for Parenting at Adelphy University, Garden City, New York, children usually get bored because they have to listen to various words at school and at home. For that, follow the following suggestions.
Children's brains can only process a little bit of information. If you as a parent provide too much information, they will most likely not remember anything after the first, second, and next information. For example, you say 'Turn off the television, then change clothes, brush your teeth, comb, then sleep. The order will not be captured properly. But if you say 'Turn off your sleep', the kids might miss some preparatory activities before bed.
Miller's advice, for the request, is two parts. Like, 'After the television shows are over, turn off the TV and get ready to sleep'. Well, when your child has turned off the television, then add a second request, 'Change your arms and brushes'.
If a topic has been discussed for a long time, the children may ignore it. So try making a short and direct request. For example, 'Sayang put your sneakers on now because we will play in the park'. This will be responded to quickly and the kids can do it right away.
Children will listen more if they involve more than just their sense of hearing. When asking for something, use a combination of a visual approach and a tactical approach that can help your child focus more on what you ask for. Margaret Nickels' suggestion, Ph.D. reported by Parents, Wednesday, December 10, keep your eye contact when saying requests while placing your hand on their shoulders.
When saying one request or order, the child may not immediately work on it. They need to process and condition the response. If you repeat the fifth order, such as the voice of the recording, maybe the child doesn't really understand what your orders are. Children also tend to do what they ask when they understand and their actions have clear consequences. So, give specific instructions no more than twice. Make sure to follow up with appropriate consequences if the child does not comply.
Children may spend most of their time talking to them, of course it's tiring for them. Sometimes, ears need to listen to something fun. So, the principle of a child's skills with various hearing experiences. For example making requests or instructions as a fun game for them.
Pay full attention
You may think that you can listen to your child while replying to messages or scrolling on social media. But what your child sees, his parents don't fully listen. The author of Learning to Listen, Mary Renck Jalongo, Ph.D., showed his research that preschoolers are aware of when adults are not fully involved in their conversations. So, try to focus on one form of communication and give full attention to children. Full attention can be described through eye contact, acknowledge what they say, and ask questions.
The above is a way to make children listen to their parents' requests or instructions. Is there something you often do?
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