YOGYAKARTA - Building a house is one of the great dreams that requires a lot of preparation, ranging from finance, energy, to the spiritual aspect. As a Muslim, involving Allah SWT in every matter is the best form of handover and endeavor, including in the process of building a house. Through the prayer of building a house, a Muslim can ask for convenience and blessings to Allah SWT so that the process runs smoothly and the house that is built becomes a place to live that is full of grace.

The Importance Of Praying In The Process Of Building A House

Prayer has an important role as a form of spiritual endeavor in realizing hope. In Islam, a Muslim is advised to always surrender to Allah SWT at every stage of life. Launching NU Online Jombang, prayer for building a house is one way to ask for help and blessings from Allah SWT during the construction process to completion.

There are several practices and prayers that can be done by a Muslim to support the process of building a house. Here is the full explanation.

Prayer Charity Builds House Based On QS. Yasin

One of the practices that can be practiced while building a house is reading the last two verses of Yasin's Letter. KH Achmad Chalwani Nawawi, the caretaker of the An-Nawawi Islamic Boarding School, Berjan, Purworejo, Central Java, said that these two verses have a deep meaning about the power of Allah SWT in creating and providing convenience.

I. Yasin Paragraph 82

You can't help it, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't.

Latin readings: "Innam! Amruh? Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go,"

Meaning: "In fact, His decision, if He wants something, He just says to him, 'Be!' So, be it."

II. Yasin Paragraph 83

Let's talk about it, let's talk about it, let's talk about it.

Latin reading: "Fa subbarnal-labarel biyadih milik malakultu kulli syai'iw wa ilaihi turja'men (a)."

Meaning: "So, obey (God) in His hands power over everything and to Him you are returned."

This practice is carried out by reading the two verses seven times after dawn prayers. This practice is believed to be able to facilitate the process of building houses because all matters are left to Allah SWT who has power over everything.

Prayer Of Blessing Of House Based On QS. Al-Mu'minun

In addition to reading QS. Yasin, prayers taken from QS. Al-Mu'minun Paragraph 29 can also be practiced to ask for blessings for the house that is being built. This prayer is a prayer offered by Prophet Nuh AS when his people descend from the ark.

Let's watch it, let's talk about it, let's talk about it, let's talk about it.

Latin reading: "Rabbi anziln calm munzalam mubbaraw wa anta khairul-munzilmen(a)."

Meaning: "O my God, place me in a blessed place, and You are the best giver of place."

According to KH Sujadi, Mustasyar, the Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) Branch Manager of Pringsewu Lampung Regency, this prayer has benefits to make the house a place to live full of blessings. He got this charity from his teacher when he was still a student at the Al-Asy'ariyah Islamic Boarding School, Kalibeber Wonosobo, Central Java.

Tips For Optimizing Prayers To Build Houses

So that the prayer for building a house that you are climbing is maximized, here are some tips that can be done:

Building a house is one of the major businesses that requires physical, financial, and spiritual preparation. By involving Allah SWT through prayer to build a house, a Muslim can ask for help so that every process runs smoothly and the house built becomes a blessed place to live.

Start getting used to doing the prayers above, both during the development process and after. With prayer, business, and tawakal to Allah SWT, hopefully the house you build will be the best place for the family and bring blessings to the world and the hereafter.

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