JAKARTA - Eggs are versatile food ingredients that can be cooked in various ways. However, perfect cooking of cow's eye eggs is often considered a challenge in itself.

Usually, to get the perfect result, the pan must be filled with butter or oil. Otherwise, you need a really functioning anti-stick pan.

Without it all, trying to fry eggs can be a nightmare, even ending up spending a long time sweeping a sticky pan.

However, what if there is a way to cook cow's eye eggs without using oil?

Reported by VOI from the Mirror page on Thursday, December 5, 2024, this trick was shared by a Rose Reisman chef through a short 29-second video.

"Don't you want to use pans in the morning to make cow's eye eggs? No problem," he said in the video.

Rose showed how to replace the pan with two paper plates and microwave to get a cooked egg in a matter of minutes.

You only need three simple ingredients, namely eggs, two paper plates, and a microwave. The method is also easy, first breaking a maximum of three eggs on a single paper plate. Close with another paper plate, then put it in the microwave.

Set the time for 1.5 minutes with a power of 800-1000 watts. The result? Complete cooked cow's eye eggs without stains in the kitchen.

For each egg, just add about 30 seconds so that the egg whites are perfect. Rose expressed his joy with the results of this trick, saying the egg looks perfect and the texture fits the favor.

You can also adjust cooking time to get the desired level of maturity. If you like more mature eggs, just add a little time in the microwave. In addition to practicality, the main goal of this trick is to keep the kitchen clean and minimize plate washes.

Rose's followers were fascinated by this clever technique. One of his fans said, "It worked! I like it!".

This trick also received praise for not using additional oil or fat. This makes the food healthier. Another fan added, "It's delicious!".

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