JAKARTA - The Chinese Drama Under The Skin continues its story to a sequel that is still played by Tan Jian Ci and Jin Shi Jia.
In the sequel, the complexity of his character is again shown by the plot of the Beijiang troops which still solves human problems. This drama is also played by Baby Zhang, Zhu Jia Qi, Lu Yan Qi, Qin Hai Lu, and others.
The following is a synopsis of drama Under The Skin 2:
Under The Skin 2 tells the story of artist Shen Yi (Tan Jian Ci) who leaves campus to join as a police officer at the Public Security Bureau. Due to the death incident of one of his best friends, Du Cheng (Jin Shi Jia) rejected Shen Yi's presence.
One incident made Du Cheng placed in the same team with Shen Yi. He was annoyed even though he did not know Shen Yi had a reason behind joining the Bureau.
Several times, Shen Yi continued to make an impression on cases related to paintings, sounds and colors because of her skills in the arts. Du Cheng began to be impressed with how Shen Yi finished the clues after clues.
One day they were involved in the case of Lei Yi Fei's death, making them start working together to solve the case.
Lei Yi Fei's death turned out to be related to Shen Yi without Du Cheng knowing. They finally learn to know each other and know each other's secrets.
They were again faced with death cases and chased down the real perpetrators of the case.
Drama Under The Skin 2 totals 28 episodes. Thursday, December 5, Tencent announced that this drama will air starting December 10 on iQiyi.
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