JAKARTA - Wika Salim's attorney, Sandy Arifin, said that his party was still waiting for good faith from the management person suspected of embezzling his client's money. If for one week there is no goodwill from the management elements, then Wika will send the first subpoena to the official report.

"Earlier, I also conveyed that if there is no good faith or requested data, it will not be submitted to us as Wika's attorney, yes, we will give an official subpoena and then there is no good faith, nor will we make an official report," said Sandy Arifin at Polda Metro Jaya, Wednesday, December 4.

"And earlier it was also agreed with Neng Wika, if there is no family settlement, we will make a report, so we just have to wait until next Wednesday starting today," he continued.

Therefore, Sandy conveyed an open subpoena for Wika's management to help resolve this case.

"And openly we also convey a summons for those who know this so that they can work well together to settle the rights or obligations of our clients so that they can be resolved immediately," he added.

On the same occasion, Wika said that the embezzlement by this person was not only taking the rights money but the person who worked with him.

"It's just that I also mean that there are also many contracts, not just one or two, yes, this is a lot and I don't think it's a small number, and it's not just my right but it's also my employee rights, it hasn't been conveyed either," he said.

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