JAKARTA - The Culture Office of Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, seeks to preserve and develop the art of literature and regional languages, one of which is through the 2024 Literature Title which will be held on Saturday (30/11) night.
"The 2024 Bantul Literature Title is one of the efforts to preserve and develop literary arts and languages in Bantul Regency," said Head of the Bantul Culture Service, Yanatun Yunadiana in a statement in Bantul, Sunday.
The title of Bantul 2024 with the theme "Pamai Sejuk in Sastra" which was held at the Imogiri Culinary Park featured various literary and cultural arts communities in Bantul. The event was also given appreciation to the winners of the competition in the field of literature.
He hopes that the Degree of Literature, which is a collaboration between Bantul Regency literary artists in presenting their best work, will also foster the interest of the younger generation to participate in the preservation and development of literary arts and languages.
"With this event, it is hoped that a young generation will emerge who have talents in the field of language and literature," he said, quoted by Antara.
Meanwhile, Expert Staff of Bantul Regent Kurniantara expressed his appreciation to writers, cultural observers, as well as those who have supported the holding of this literary title.
According to him, the Bantul Regency Government (Pemkab) will always support the preservation and development of culture and literature, as well as Indonesia.
"The Bantul Regency Government always supports the preservation and development of languages, literature, and cultural arts, in various ways, one of which is with this literary title. It is hoped that this activity will later support the development of various literary communities, and can provide space to express themselves," he said.
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