YOGYAKARTA - In Islam, prayer is an important form of effort that is often done to ask Allah SWT. Prayers to launch sustenance and effort are not only a form of application so that it is delegated to make a living, but also as evidence of the dependence and welfare of a servant to the Creator.
The sustenance given by Allah SWT to mankind has been determined, but as humans, we were ordered to keep trying and praying that the sustenance would come in a lawful and blessed way. In addition, praying is also one way to get closer to Allah SWT, because through prayer, a Muslim admits his weakness as a creature that depends on God.
Here are some prayers that can be practiced to facilitate sustenance and business:
This prayer contains a request to Allah to be given useful knowledge, halal sustenance, and charity that is accepted. The reading of his prayer is:
Let's talk about it, let's talk about it, let's talk about it.
Latin Arabia: Allahumma innii as-alukan ilman naafia, wa rizqon thoyyibaa, wa amalan mutaqobbalaa.
Meaning: O Allah, I really ask You for useful knowledge (for myself and others), halal sustenance, and charity that is accepted (by You and get good rewards)
This request asks for adequacy through halal sustenance and is protected from illicit sustenance. Here's the reading of his prayer:
Why don't you think about it? Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
Latin Arabia: Allahumak-finii bi halaalika an haraamika, wa agh-niniy bi fadhlika amman sivaak.
Meaning: 'O Allah, I am free from halal and keep me away from the haram, and suffice me with Your gifts from depending on other than You.'
This prayer is in accordance with the advice of the Prophet Muhammad in the hadith narrated by Tirmidzi, where Allah loves His servants who ask for adequacy from halal sustenance.
In Imam An-Nawawi's book Al-Adzkar, there is a special prayer that is recommended to ask for sustenance quickly. This prayer also contains a request for protection from laziness and disaster:
You can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't.
Latin Arabia: Ashbahn sambuh wa ashbahal mulku lillenghi wal hamdu lillekhi, lloleh illaha illall hu wahdah löl syar Marijuka lah.This means: We and Allah's power in the early hours of the morning. All praise to Allah. There is no god other than Allah Almighty, there is no ally for Him. For Him all power and praise.
There is also a prayer containing a request for halal sustenance without fatigue or burdensome:
You can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't.
Latin Arabia: Allahumma innii as aluka an tarzuqanii rizqan halalan waasi'an thayyiban min ghairi ta'abin.
Meaning: O Allah, I ask You that You give halal, ample and unbantimating sustenance.
The Importance Of Prayers To Launch Sustenance And Business
Performing these prayers not only helps smooth sustenance, but also strengthens spiritual relations with Allah SWT. In addition to praying, the efforts made must be in accordance with Islamic principles, such as working honestly, not cheating, and not taking something that is not his right.
Prayers to launch sustenance and effort also remind us to always ask for blessings in every step. With blessings, the sustenance obtained will be sufficient and bring goodness in life.
Don't forget, in addition to prayer, it is also important to maintain a greedy endeavor, such as working hard, maintaining honesty, and helping others. A balance between external efforts and my inner prayers will help us get smooth, halal, and blessed sustenance.
By regularly reading prayers for smoothing sustenance and effort, Muslims are expected to be able to live their lives better, full of gratitude, and always remember Allah SWT as the source of all blessings.
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