JAKARTA - Menopause is a natural phase in a woman's life that marks the end of the menstrual cycle and reproductive ability. The average age of menopause is between 45 - 53 years, but this age can vary depending on genetic factors, lifestyle, and environmental conditions.

However, there are a number of women who experience menopause earlier, precisely in their 40s, according to an analysis made by Universal Drugstore. They observed the average age of women experiencing menopause around the world and found countries with the oldest and youngest women who experienced the transition.

Women in Taiwan, India, and Bangladesh experience menopause in their 40s. Women in Taiwan experience menopause at an average age (44). Taiwanese women experience menopause at the youngest age. Followed by India (45) and Bangladesh (47).

Meanwhile, the countries with the oldest average age of menopause are Norway (52), Spain (51) and New Zealand (51). Followed by three other countries, namely the United States, Brazil, and England.

Based on geographical data, many countries in South America have an average age of menopause of 51 years. While countries on the African continent have an average age of 48 - 49 years. In most Asian countries, the average age of menopause occurs at 49 or 50 years.

The World Population Organization says better and more extensive health care and access are usually correlated with the age of menopause.

However, in countries with lower socioeconomic status, where access to health services is more limited, women tend to have children at a younger age, which causes earlier menopause.

But experts told DailyMail that more research is needed to determine how geography, culture, diet or socioeconomics play a role in menopause.

"The timing of menopause is influenced by many things, including genetic, biological, environmental, and socioeconomic factors," said Dr Amanda Shea, Head of Science at Clue, as quoted by VOI from the Daily Mail page on Friday, November 15, 2024.

"For example, studies have found a link between the age of menopause and factors such as smoking, obesity, childbearing and nutrition," she added.

Worldwide, the average age of menopause is between 44 and 53 years. Signs include irregular periods, hot flashes, and mood swings that cause irritability, anxiety or depression.

Women who experience menopause may also experience vaginal dryness, sleep disturbances, weight gain, and changes in skin color or hair.

Symptoms can appear up to 10 years before menopause and last up to 14 years. However, on average, menopause symptoms last about seven years.

Treatment options include hormone therapy and lifestyle changes, such as limiting saturated fats and eating more fruit and vegetables.

"Trends in the onset of menopause vary by country and have changed over time. This variation highlights the important need for further research to better understand the underlying factors driving these trends and their implications for the daily lives of women and people with cycles, especially as life expectancy increases," Dr Shea said.

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