JAKARTA - Dee Company announced the male lead for the role of son-in-law in the film Norma: Antara In-laws and In-laws. Yusuf Mahardika was chosen to be a son-in-law who will compete acting with Wulan Guritno and Tissa Biani.
In September, Dee Company revealed two main actors in the film Norma: Antara In-laws and In-laws. The two actors are Tissa Biani who plays the characters Norma Risma and Wulan Guritno as roles in Rihanah, Norma Risma's mother.
"Well, this is the answer you are waiting for, Wulan Guritno will play the role of In-laws and Tissa Biani plays Norma Risma in the film Norma: Antara In-laws and In-laws," said Dee Company's announcement on Instagram.
After the announcement, netizens wondered who played the role of the son-in-law. On Thursday, November 7, Yusuf Mahardika's name was announced as his actor. This announcement was also greeted enthusiastically by netizens.
Yusuf is required to give his maximum acting. "It's not enough to fall in love, Yusuf Mahardika, who plays the role of a son-in-law, is able to break his heart and burst into tears! Get ready to be fascinated and hurt together with Norma: Between Son-in-law and In-law," wrote Dee Company.
This film is inspired by the true story of Norma Risma who was betrayed by her own husband. Her heart was even more raging when her husband had an affair with her own mother. The script for the film Norma: Antara In-laws and In-laws was worked on by Oka Aurora.
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