JAKARTA - Hotma Sitompul stated that Desiree Tarigan is accused of having a year-long affair with a businessman. In fact, Desiree came to Bali to meet her cheating.

Bams's ex Samsons' mother denied the allegations made by her husband. She replied that she left with her son as a result of being evicted by Hotma.

"I need to point out that my departure to Bali was after I was evicted from a house that had been occupied together after approximately 22 years of marriage," he said on Wednesday, April 7.

During her 22 years of marriage, Desiree mentioned never having an affair or claiming to have always been obedient to Hotma.

In addition, Desiree is also accused of taking Hotma's goods carelessly. This charge is also again denied by Desiree because he is unlikely to take the goods without Hotma Sitompul's permission.

On the same day, he said the alleged item was a necessity for Desiree's culinary business.

Furthermore, Desiree explained that the goods taken are necessary for his culinary business. Desiree also reported Hotma for defamation and slander.

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