JAKARTA - Olivia Allan recalled the struggle of her husband, Denny Sumargo, in having a baby. The reason is, Olivia and Denny had had a miscarriage three times.
Fortunately, after going through the joys and sorrows of pregnancy, their fourth IVF program was declared successful.
Olivia said that when they found out that their IVF was doing well, he and Denny were both nervous. But Olivia saw that Denny was more panicked than herself.
" Denny's first response when I found out the fourth was successful, so I'm still nervous, just like me. It's just probably Denny is more panicked because if I feel my way, Denny doesn't," Olivia Allan was quoted as saying by VOI from the @momsyofficial upload, Friday, November 1.
Not just panic, Densu, his nickname is also seen between believing and not remembering the 3 failures they have passed.
"When he found out that this was successful, at the beginning he still couldn't believe it, it was more like'no really, is this really not a problem? Is this really okay, is this really healthy?' It turned out that everything was going really smoothly," he continued.
When their little daughter, who is now called Baby Briel, Olivia and Denny, felt very relieved, even Densu cried.
Olivia said that she could no longer say anything when she first heard the princess's cry.
"So, when I first heard him cry, I looked like I didn't see it, when I heard a cry, it seemed like I was holding a breath but already knew what to say, it was mixed up, but what was clear was very happy," he said.
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