YOGYAKARTA - Basically, collisions in any part of the head, especially if they occur hard, can damage the skull structure and cause injury to the brain. The skull bone is designed to protect the brain from collisions. However, when a collision occurs, especially with a high intensity, it can cause various serious problems in the brain and body. This article will discuss the dangerous part of the head if it is hit and how to deal with head injuries.

Why Is Head Injury Very Hazardous?

The brain is a vital organ responsible for many body functions, ranging from controlling movement, thinking, to emotions. Therefore, head injuries can cause various serious complications. One of them is bleeding due to rupture of blood vessels in the brain or damage to brain tissue. The impact of this injury can vary, such as decreased consciousness, loss of memory, behavioral changes, even into coma and death.

The most vulnerable and dangerous part of the head when hit is the temple. The protective layer on the temples is relatively thinner than the other area on the head. Therefore, the collision in this area even though it is light can cause severe injuries. However, all parts of the head have the potential to be dangerous if they are hit hard.

Headlash can be caused by many things, such as accidents, sports, or even acts of violence. For those who work with the risk of head impacts, such as boxers or construction workers, understanding these risks is very important.

Symptoms Of Hazardous Head Injury

If there is a hard impact on the head, there are several symptoms that can be an indicator that the injury is serious. Here are some signs and symptoms of serious head injuries:

If a collision occurs at the back of the head and causes a skull fracture (kriani-based infrastructure), the symptoms that may appear are bruises under the eyes (known as "racoon eyes"), bruises in the back area of the ear, and the release of clear fluids from the nose or ears. These injuries can cause serious complications, such as spinal cord injury, bleeding in the brain, to brain infection or meningitis.

First Aid For Head Injury

If you or people around you experience a collision on your head, the first step you need to take is to stop activities that can worsen your condition. The next step is to seek medical help, especially if symptoms of serious head injuries appear as mentioned above.

However, if the collision is light and there are no severe symptoms, here are some first aid steps that can be taken:

If symptoms of a severe head injury appear in the first 24 hours, you should immediately take them to the doctor for further examination. Doctors may conduct checks such as CT scans or MRI to confirm whether there is bleeding or damage to brain tissue. If the injury is serious enough, surgery may be needed to repair the damaged skull structure and prevent further brain damage.

Prevention of Head Injury

The best way to avoid a head injury is to apply preventive measures, such as using personal protective equipment while driving or working, and avoiding high-risk situations. For children, make sure they are always under surveillance while playing to avoid the risk of a collision.

By recognizing symptoms and performing proper first aid, you can prevent more serious risks. Always maintain safety and use personal protective equipment when doing high-risk activities.

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