JAKARTA - Art therapy can be a solution for those of you who find it difficult to express feelings or pressures faced through words. With art therapy, you can reveal this through image arts.
"It depicts emotions that we can't always express in words, relieve stress, and build self-awareness," said Offie Dwi Natalia, Psychologist and Founder of Offartsy, during a workshop with Google, in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, on Wednesday, October 30, 2024.
Offie said that in art therapy, one will draw without direction. The image will later describe the emotions it had at that time.
"ThisArt therapy is not given direction in drawing, so it's up to you to start from which one, and from the image under the realm of being aware, that's what describes our emotions at this time," he explained.
Although someone draws the same thing every day, Offie says that the interpretation of a person's mental state will remain different.
"So if, for example, today I want to draw a flower, tomorrow I will draw another flower, there must be a different interpretation, there must be different results," he said.
Not only that, what is depicted when art therapy will also describe what kind of personality a person wants to show in public.
"Art therapy after drawing, we interpret it, or we psychologically interpret it. Psychologically what is seen there, then from our personal needs that we want to show in public," concluded Offie Dwi Natalia.
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