JAKARTA - To this day, soju and beer are dishes in Korea that can be said to be mandatory. If you are Korean, whatever food you order, the drink is definitely soju. This explains why soju was once the best-selling product.

Reporting from Go! Go! Hanguk, in 2018, soju successfully sold 75 million one liter packages. The high demand for culinary products from Korea has made soju very popular not only in Korea but in the world.

The Culture of Drinking Alcohol in Korea

According to a research firm, Euromonitor, Korean's drinking habit is the highest compared to any other country in the world.

There is no definite reason behind this phenomenon. But the most sensible thing is the Korean people's love for alcoholic beverages. The drink accounts for 97% of the alcoholic beverage market in the country.

Their habit of consuming alcoholic drinks has been going on for a long time. They will 'drink' to celebrate holidays and seasonal events. This was done as a form of respect for their ancestors as well as a way for them to familiarize themselves with neighbors and friends.

The habit of 'drinking' continues today. Soju, beer, and other alcoholic beverages are used as a way to relieve stress in the country with the longest working hours in the world.

Reporting from Aljazeera, South Korea has even become a country with the highest number of alcoholics compared to other countries. Euromonitor's statistics show that the average South Korean drinks 14 sips of liquor per week, whereas Americans drink three, while Russians drink six.

On average, South Koreans consume 14 sips of booze per week, while Americans drink about three glasses and Russians about six, according to Euromonitor statistics.

Take a look at soju drinking experience

As explained above, South Korean society is very 'crazy' about alcoholic drinks, especially soju. The question then is, what is soju, and how does soju taste?

Soju is made from rice and seeds. In fermentation, the soju maker will mix the distilled ethanol obtained from the sweet potato starch. Soju maker is now more modern and the taste is also more varied with fruit flavors ranging from blueberry to grapefruit.

The taste of soju also varies. However, when compared to wine, whiskey, or sake, the taste of soju is still less fancy. Soju has a softer taste, similar to vodka but sweeter and thinner.

Some soju connoisseurs will usually mix soju with maekju, the name beer in Korean. In addition, to enjoy soju, usually, a complimentary snack called Anju is needed.

Side dish that goes with soju

In South Korean culture, local people will consume a glass of rice wine (Takju) with a light snack as breakfast (Saecham). Usually, they will do this habit in the morning before leaving for the fields. Then, what about the side dish of soju in this era?

If you are a fan of Korean films, you will definitely find scenes of movie characters drinking soju accompanied by snacks. This food is called Anju.

Anju is different from rice or other staples. Soju connoisseurs will pick the Anju with their fingers and then drink the soju. Usually, foods with savory and spicy flavors are much preferred over sweet Anju, but it depends on taste.

There are many foods that fall into the criteria for Anju or soju side dishes, which are as follows.

Nuts and Fruits

Not only in America, but nuts are also popular as a side dish for alcoholic drinks, in this case, soju. The nuts that are chosen are usually peanut shells, popcorn, and so on.

Fresh fruit is also often chosen when consuming soju. Often also nuts and fresh fruit are mixed together in a bowl. While the fruit chosen is usually lemons, oranges, apples, and so on.

Savory Fries

It is thought that foods containing salt will help them absorb the alcohol in soju. This is one of the reasons why savory foods are quite in demand as Anju. Anju is savory like fried chicken, soondae (sausage), or french fries.

Spicy food

Korean people do like strong spicy food. In fact, they usually use this food as a side dish when drinking soju. Some of the commonly chosen Anju are spicy fried squid or octopus, spicy rice cakes, fish cakes (dukboki), and stir-fried kimchi with tofu (dubu kimchi).

How Is the Effect of Drinking Soju?

It is worth noting that soju contains between 16% and 53% alcohol. However, usually, soju on the market contains about 20% alcohol. From there, of course, you have guessed that the effect of drinking soju is intoxicating.

However, the Korean people themselves have used painkillers to relieve the after effects of soju and other alcoholic drinks. Types of painkillers also come in many forms, from pills to even ice cream. There is also a type of soup eaten in the morning after a hangover to relieve dizziness due to alcohol.

There is still a lot of interesting information about how soju and beer are a dish in Korea. You can visit VOI for other national and international information and news.

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