JAKARTA - The protracted school strike can make you frustrated and run out of ideas to persuade school children. Finally you issue various threats and the child gets harder to refuse to go to school.

Threatening and scaring children is clearly not right to deal with school strikes, because school strikes are usually related to anxiety. The threat of parents can even increase children's anxiety. And it turns out, 1 in 5 children must have refused to go to school, at least once throughout their school life. This is one way to deal with children breaking down.

Stay calm and under control. Instead of reacting emotionally, try to back down a little, forget about your anger and panic first. After that, pay attention to your responsibilities and solutions. You don't need to buy an excess response if your child says go to school.

Talk to teachers and schools. Teachers or principals of your child may be able to provide information about what is going on in classrooms or schools that may be related to children's school strike behavior.

Talk neutrally and dig up as much information that can help you find a child's school strike pattern. For example, does he always vomit before going to school because he has to appear in front of the class?

Listen to your child. There are times when the child's ability to solve problems that are at the root of school strike problems. For example, he may be left behind in math lessons, but doesn't know how to ask teachers for help.

Find the right time and atmosphere to talk from heart to heart with children. Give an open question, such as, 'What do you feel the most difficult time at school?', or, 'What do you do if your body gives you a task that is too difficult to know?' or, How do you react when A mocks you? Listen to your child's answer. Whatever the answer, it's best not to be underestimated, right?

Find expert help. Maybe you need to meet a pediatrician to get rid of the possible symptoms shown by the child that are not related to certain diseases. You can also meet a psychologist to help you draw up the right tactics and solutions to help your child overcome his anxiety and return to school happily.

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