YOGAKARTA - Tanah girik is a term that is often used to refer to land ownership that does not yet have an official certificate from the National Land Agency (BPN). The land of girik generally only has a certificate of ownership from the kelurahan or village, without a certificate of ownership issued by the government. Then, can the land of girik be made a certificate? The answer is, can. This article will regulate what is girik land, the process of submitting a girik land certificate, and the conditions that must be met.
Knowing What It's A Girik Land
The land of girik is land that does not yet have a clear legal status in terms of ownership. Ownership of girik land is generally only based on a letter of control or proof of payment of taxes such as the PBB (Earth and Building Tax) issued by the kelurahan or village parties. Girik is not recognized as the official ownership right by the state, but rather to customary rights or land use rights that are owned from generation to generation. Therefore, owners of girik land have a greater risk of claims or disputes compared to certified land.
If asked if the land of girik can be made a certificate, of course the answer is 'Yes'. Own a land certificate provides stronger legal certainty for land ownership rights. With land certificates, land owners can be free from potential disputes, can use land as credit guarantees, and it is easier to sell or transfer ownership. Land certificates are valid documents recognized by the government and can protect land ownership rights legally. For land owners, changing land status to be certified is an important step for obtaining legal certainty recognized by the state.
Processes And Requirements For Making Girik Land Certificates
The process of making a girik land certificate as a certificate of property rights through BPN requires several stages and requirements that must be met. Here are the steps:
1. Manage Certificates from Kelurahan or Desa
The first step to make a certificate of girik land is to obtain a certificate from the kelurahan or village. This certificate plays a role as proof that the owner of girik is the rightful owner of the land. Generally, this certificate is also accompanied by a history of land ownership, especially if the land is obtained from generation to generation.
2. Melakukan Pengemaian Tanah oleh BPN
After obtaining a certificate from the kelurahan or village, the land owner is required to submit a land measurement application to BPN. BPN will send officers to measure the land and determine the boundaries of the land. This measurement is important to ensure that the land in question does not overlap with other people's land.
3. Make A Sale and Purchase Deed (If You Buy A Girik Land)
If the girik land is obtained through the sale and purchase process, then the owner needs to make a legal sale and purchase deed through a notary or Land Deed Making Officer (PPAT). This deed will be proof of a valid transaction that will help the process of applying for a land certificate. If the girik land is obtained in inheritance or grant, the owner also needs to make a statement letter or legal heir facts.
4. Apply to BPN
After the measurement and having all the supporting documents, the land owner can apply for a land certificate to BPN. The following are documents that are generally required to be included in the application for a girik land certificate:
5. Verification Process and Fee Payment
After the documents are submitted, BPN will carry out verification to ensure the validity of the documents. BPN will also announce the application for a land certificate on the announcement board for 60 days to ensure that no other party object. If no party objectes within that period, BPN will continue the process of issuing certificates.
Land owners are also required to pay administrative costs set by BPN for land certificate management. The amount of this fee varies depending on the location and area of the land.
6. Issuance of Certificates
If all stages have been passed and there are no obstacles, BPN will issue a certificate of ownership for the land of girik that has been submitted. This certificate will be proof of legal ownership and recognized by the state.
Challenges In Making Girik Land Certificates
Although the process of making girik land certificates has been clearly regulated, there are several challenges that land owners may face, including:
In addition, you must also get to know the Whiteness of Land Certificates along with the Promotion Requirements to increase the reference.
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