JAKARTA - Meat is a food rich in fat. Consumption of meat can also increase levels of high cholesterol.

Thus, cholesterol sufferers must be careful when consuming meat. Consumption of meat must be controlled, not excessive, so that it does not have a bad impact on the body.

However, there is no need to worry because there is a way for cholesterol people to enjoy meat comfortably. Reporting from Health Direct, for people with cholesterol, when consuming foods made from red meat must be accompanied by eating foods rich in fiber.

Foods with high fiber are vegetables and fruit. Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber can help reduce high cholesterol levels in the body.

Not only that, fiber can also help control blood sugar in the body and maintain body weight.

In addition to consuming rich foods with fiber, you must also be active in physical activity or exercise. No need for a heavy one, just keep moving the body by doing light physical activity.

Starting from leisurely walks to leisurely cycling for approximately 30 minutes every day. Physical activity can help dispose of calories and maintain heart health.

By doing physical activity, it can also reduce high cholesterol levels, lower blood glucose levels, and blood pressure on the body.

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