YOGYAKARTA - Wet tissue is a type of tissue that has been wetted with certain solutions, such as antiseptics. In babies, this tissue is usually used to clean the face, hands, mouth, and buttocks areas.

Apart from diapers, wet tissue is another important need that needs to be always provided for babies. The reason is, wet tissue is very useful for maintaining the cleanliness of the baby's skin, especially when traveling or when it is difficult to find clean water and soap.

As babies grow, they will be more active in playing and start exploring the surrounding environment. This causes babies to often touch various objects around them. If the cleanliness is not maintained properly, babies can touch contaminated objects, such as dirty toys or dust filled with bacteria and viruses.

If these germs enter the baby's mouth, they can be exposed to various health problems, ranging from flu, diarrhea, to serious infections such as COVID-19 or pneumonia. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the cleanliness of the baby's hands and skin. To clean the baby's hands and skin, especially when outside the home without access to water and soap, the use of wet tissue can be a practical solution.

However, not all wet tissues are safe to use for babies. Here are some tips for choosing a safe and appropriate wet tissue for your little one's needs:

1. Pay attention to Wet Tisu Content

Before buying wet tissue, make sure to read the label of the content listed on the packaging. Choose wet tissue that is gentle and alcohol-free, because alcohol can cause the baby's skin to dry, especially in newborns.

2. Adjust to the Baby's Skin Needs

Each baby has different skin types, some are normal, but some have sensitive skin. If your baby has sensitive skin, you should choose wet tissues specifically designed for the baby's sensitive skin. Make sure the product has a hypoallergenic' label, which indicates that the tissue is safe to use on sensitive skin.

3. Check the thickness of Wet Tisu

To choose the right wet tissue, it is important to pay attention to the thickness. Choose a tissue that is not too thin, so it is not easily torn when used. Tissues that are too thin also have the risk of causing the liquid in the tissue to seep before use, so that its function is not optimal.

4. Consider the Number of Contents and Prices of Wet Tisu

In addition to quality, the amount of content and price is also an important factor in choosing wet tissue. Choose a brand that provides the best value with good quality composition for the baby's skin and adequate amount of content. That way, you will not run out of wet tissue when you need it. Adjust the purchase to the frequency of daily use to make it more efficient in storage.

After knowing these tips, the way wet tissue is actually not much different from dry tissue. You only need to wipe your dirty baby's hands or skin with wet tissue. However, if it is used to clean the baby's intimate area, especially in girls, make sure you swipe from the front to the back. This is so that bacteria from the anus area do not move to the genital area, which can cause infection.

Wet tisu is very helpful in maintaining the cleanliness of the baby's skin because it is practically used. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the tissue selected contains safe ingredients and is able to clean the skin properly. When the baby is growing bigger and can follow directions, start teaching hand washing habits regularly to maintain cleanliness and health.

If you are still hesitant about using wet tissue or confused about choosing a product that is safe for the baby's skin, don't hesitate to consult a doctor to get the right advice.

For additional refrensions, Here's How To Choose A Welfare For Babies With Sensitive Skin

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